Maryvale Solar Farm News
Community Information Session
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Our friendly team will be available to answer your questions and hear any of your concerns about the Maryvale Solar and Energy Storage Project.
Community Newsletter - August 2024
The Maryvale Solar and Energy Storage Project is a next generation renewable energy facility located near the town of Maryvale, 12km North-West of Wellington, which combines the benefits of solar power and energy storage to create cheap, clean, dispatchable and firmed power for New South Wales.
Wirsol secures updated development approval for maryvale solar and energy storage, market-first dispatchable solar plant!
WIRSOL is pleased to announce that our Maryvale Solar and Energy Storage project in New South Wales has received Development Approval from the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, bringing us one step closer to building a market first hybrid solar and energy storage plant!
Wirsol secures approval for 445 MW solar-storage power plant in Australia
The Australian state of New South Wales has given the green light for another large-scale solar PV and battery project. German renewables developer Wirsol Energy has revealed that it has secured amended development approval for a 445 MW solar and energy storage hybrid power plant in the state.